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Next Evolution Explorer-Firefox Bar

Τρίτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2008

» Mount and Blade, 2008

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Calradia is a land at war, a land offering great riches and even greater dangers to the adventurers and mercenaries that flock to shed their blood on its soil.
With unerring courage and a strong sword, an unknown stranger can make a name as a warrior. Raise a band of hardened soldiers, become the lord of several towns and castles, and perhaps one day you may wield the power to depose kings and crown new ones at a whim.
Free-form sandbox gameplay.
You are free to go anywhere and do anything you choose in a world that has more than a hundred unique locations, including villages, castles and towns. Unique horseback combat. You are able to attack your enemies on your horse, whether you’re swinging a sword, holding a lance or unleashing arrows.
Highly advanced, sophisticated and intuitive sword-fighting system.
Fight on horseback and on foot using an expansive variety of medieval weapons, each with their own unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Be anything from a lonesome adventurer to a commander of armies or an owner of villages, castles or towns.
Sophisticated AI that will provide a challenge both in combat and in the strategic realm.
Freedom to interact with hundreds of characters, including kings, lords, ladies, commoners as well as heroes you can take on as companions, each with their own personality. [Paradox Interactive]


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